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Archives of the future : getting into our trendy Cabinet of curiosities !

This website is a sheer madness, a delightful delight, a desire for sharing : a free gift. As (super) communicators, we provide you with insights focused on new emerging stories and narratives. In our point of view, as citizens, it's important to awakening you to this  Brand New Upcoming World   through this trendy Cabinet of curiosities, designed like archives of our future.

Click on the Object that appeals to you,  as your mouse hovers on it... It will then be displayed in close-up and you'll know its/ your history. Indeed, it's our conviction : the symbols (and the words) of today already carry the evils and the magic of tomorrow...


Going further ...
Le Cab comes to you

What willbe the major trends Tomorrow ? How will your business adapt ? How to inspire your teams to these paradigm shifts ? How to communicate in the age of post reality and post modernity ? How to unite teams around core and common values ? If you're asking yourself these questions, your are not here by chance...

Stay on the lookout for the actual SIGNS and SYMBOLS, which reflect the MYTHS of tomorrow, here is our “MOTTO”. We travel within your company to carry out a semio-anthropological analysis of your brand or governance.


This can take several forms :

- analysis of your communication media ;

- workshop with your team and talents ;

ethnological immersion within your company ;

- extensive questionnaire to reach your international teams ;

- an interactive conference or "Ted talk" ; 

- - and no doubt others to imagine together...

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